Zivot Svetog Romana mogao bi se smestiti u drugu polovinu 9. veka (850. god.) ili pak pocetak 10. veka, sto je zapravo i vreme sirenja slovenske pismenosti iz Ohridske skole Svetog Klimenta.
Medju prvim Klimentovim ucenicima koji su is Ohridske skole poslati u Srbiju da sire hriscanstvo u narodu sluzeci u crkvama na slovenskom jeziku bila su I dva brata, Roman I Nestor, poslata u Moravsku arhontiju. Braca su se podvizavala na dvema obalama Morave, sirili su hriscanstvo na slovenskom jeziku. Na tim mestima se I sada nalaze njima posvecene crkve. Mosti Svetog Romana se I danas nalaze u grobnici ispod kapele uzidane u manastirski hram.
Life of the Holy Roman could be placed in the second half of the 9th century (850 yr.) Or the beginning of the 10th century, which is actually a time spread of Slavic literacy from Ohrid School of Saint Clement.
Among the first students who Kliment of Ohrid School is sent to Serbia to spread Christianity among the people serving in churches in the Slavic language and were two brothers, Roman and Nestor, sent to Moravia Archons. Brothers are lead an ascetic life on the two shores of the Morava and spread Christianity in the Slavic language. In these places, there are still the church dedicated to them. Relics of Saint Roman is still located in the crypt below the chapel built into the monastery temple.
Medju prvim Klimentovim ucenicima koji su is Ohridske skole poslati u Srbiju da sire hriscanstvo u narodu sluzeci u crkvama na slovenskom jeziku bila su I dva brata, Roman I Nestor, poslata u Moravsku arhontiju. Braca su se podvizavala na dvema obalama Morave, sirili su hriscanstvo na slovenskom jeziku. Na tim mestima se I sada nalaze njima posvecene crkve. Mosti Svetog Romana se I danas nalaze u grobnici ispod kapele uzidane u manastirski hram.
Life of the Holy Roman could be placed in the second half of the 9th century (850 yr.) Or the beginning of the 10th century, which is actually a time spread of Slavic literacy from Ohrid School of Saint Clement.
Among the first students who Kliment of Ohrid School is sent to Serbia to spread Christianity among the people serving in churches in the Slavic language and were two brothers, Roman and Nestor, sent to Moravia Archons. Brothers are lead an ascetic life on the two shores of the Morava and spread Christianity in the Slavic language. In these places, there are still the church dedicated to them. Relics of Saint Roman is still located in the crypt below the chapel built into the monastery temple.
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